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  • Artist/Maker: Kano Tansetsu
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Kano Tansetsu
Date: latter half of the 17th- first half of the 18th centuries
Accession Number: 11.4328
Kano Tansetsu
Date: Early 18th century
Accession Number: 11.4329
Kano Tansetsu
Date: dated 1668 (Kanbun 8)
Accession Number: 11.4385
Kano Tansetsu
Date: latter half of the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries
Accession Number: 11.6706
Kano Tansetsu
Date: latter half of the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries
Accession Number: 11.6707
Kano Tanshin Morimasa
Date: late 17th century
Accession Number: RES.27.7
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