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Cup with inverted rim
Napatan Period, reign of Siaspiqa
487–468 B.C.
Findspot: Nubia (Sudan), Nuri, Pyramid 4 (Siaspiqa), NE foundation dep.
Overall: 5.4 x 2.4 cm (2 1/8 x 15/16 in.)
Credit Line
Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Accession Number20.4335
CollectionsAncient Egypt, Nubia and the Near East
DescriptionThis small vessel has the proportions of a miniature squat shouldered jar. Convex sides bulge outward from the base and then curve inward to a highly constricted mouth. The inverted rim is unworked.
Very small vessels such as this cup are common in grave, tomb, and temple contexts where they could be presented with offerings or as model offerings in and of themselves. They are thus often called "model vessels." They are most often made of medium to coarse grades of clay, and shaping is often poor and irregular. Frequent irregularities or asymmetry in shaping reflect fast work and mass production. Knife-cut or cord-cut bases are common, though rounded bases occur as well. Some are simply twisted or pinched off at the base, leaving an awkward base that does not allow the cup to stand upright on its own.
This cup contains an pinkish-buff earthy matrix, some fairly consolidated and some loose.
Very small vessels such as this cup are common in grave, tomb, and temple contexts where they could be presented with offerings or as model offerings in and of themselves. They are thus often called "model vessels." They are most often made of medium to coarse grades of clay, and shaping is often poor and irregular. Frequent irregularities or asymmetry in shaping reflect fast work and mass production. Knife-cut or cord-cut bases are common, though rounded bases occur as well. Some are simply twisted or pinched off at the base, leaving an awkward base that does not allow the cup to stand upright on its own.
This cup contains an pinkish-buff earthy matrix, some fairly consolidated and some loose.
ProvenanceFrom Nuri, Pyramid 4 (tomb of Siaspiqa), NE foundation deposit. Excavated by the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; assigned to the MFA in the division of finds by the government of the Sudan.
(Accession Date: August 18, 2006)
(Accession Date: August 18, 2006)