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Model hes jar

Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty 11 – early Dynasty
2010–1961 B.C.
Findspot: Egypt, Deir el-Bersha, Tomb 10, shaft A (Djehutynakht)

Medium/Technique Travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
Dimensions Height: 8.2 cm (3 1/4 in.)
Credit Line Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Accession Number21.899d

DescriptionThe tomb of Djehutynakht contained several sets of model offerings made of travertine and designed to fit on wooden bases. This model offering vessel, known as a hes jar, has flat base, sraight sides, and the rim is flattened and everted. There a plaster remnants at the lower body.
ProvenanceFrom Deir el-Bersha, tomb 10, shaft A (tomb of Djehutynakht). May 1915: excavated by the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; assigned to the MFA in the division of finds by the government of Egypt. (Accession Date: March 1, 1921)