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Menses XII Anni Solaris
The Twelve Months of the Solar Year, title sheet
Menses XII Anni Solaris
Adriaen Collaert (Netherlandish, about 1560–1618)
Published by: Joannes Galle (Netherlandish, 1600–1676)
Published by: Joannes Galle (Netherlandish, 1600–1676)
Platemark: 20.6 x 26.5 cm (8 1/8 x 10 7/16 in.)
Sheet: 25.7 x 33.7 cm (10 1/8 x 13 1/4 in.)
Sheet: 25.7 x 33.7 cm (10 1/8 x 13 1/4 in.)
Credit Line
Fund in memory of Horatio Greenough Curtis
Accession Number65.580
CollectionsEurope, Prints and Drawings
Catalogue Raisonné
Hollstein (Dutch and Flemish, vol. IV)
DescriptionTitle and dedication of the series
Not signed
Verso, MFA stamp with accession number in graphite: 65.580; oval stamp [or hand drawn?] in blue ink
InscriptionsIn plate, at upper left: n.; title in center circle: MENSES XII. / ANNI SOLARIS / A Philippo Gallæo ex ce: / teribus Scriptoribus collecti, / & editi, / A Cornelio Kiliano Dufflæo carmine illustrati. / A / Charles Prince Comte d'Arenberghe, Baron de Seuenberghe, / Siegneur de Mirwart, &c. Cheualier de l'Ordre de la / Toison d'or, Chef des Finances, du Conseil de guer: / re, Capitaine de cinquante hommes d'armes des Ordonnances du Roy nostre Sire; Dedie' par Philippe Galle, son / humble Seruiteur. / Ionnes Galle excudit / Antuerpiæ.
In plate, in compartments within the circular frame, surrounding the title depicting the signs of the zodiac: AQVUARIVS / PISCES / ARIES / TAVRVS / GEMINI / CANCER / LEO / VIRGO / LIBRA / SCORPIVS / SAGITTARIVS / CAPRICORNVS
In plate, in lower margin, below image, at lower center: ANNVS
In plate, at lower left: Tortus ut in FeFe Serpens conuoluitur orbe. / Dum caudam immani mordicus ore tenet
In plate, at lower right: Haud fecus in circum solaris voluitur Annus, / Exactisqe, in fe, Menifibus, vfque redit.
In plate, in compartments within the circular frame, surrounding the title depicting the signs of the zodiac: AQVUARIVS / PISCES / ARIES / TAVRVS / GEMINI / CANCER / LEO / VIRGO / LIBRA / SCORPIVS / SAGITTARIVS / CAPRICORNVS
In plate, in lower margin, below image, at lower center: ANNVS
In plate, at lower left: Tortus ut in FeFe Serpens conuoluitur orbe. / Dum caudam immani mordicus ore tenet
In plate, at lower right: Haud fecus in circum solaris voluitur Annus, / Exactisqe, in fe, Menifibus, vfque redit.
Provenance1965, sold by P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., London, to the MFA for £350 [see note]. (Accession Date: May 12, 1965)
NOTE: MFA accession nos. 65.580-65.592 were purchased for this amount.
NOTE: MFA accession nos. 65.580-65.592 were purchased for this amount.