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Eye of Horus (wedjat) amulet

Old Kingdom, Dynasty 6
2350–2170 B.C.

Medium/Technique Carnelian
Dimensions Length x width x depth: 2.0 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm (13/16 x 11/16 x 3/16 in.)
Credit Line Helen and Alice Colburn Fund
Accession Number35.1500
ClassificationsJewelry / AdornmentAmulets

DescriptionBody: Sacred Eye - Single. Carnelian. Suspension ring at top, one face with rudimentary relief cutting. Front lower projection missing.
ProvenanceBy 1935: with Mrs. Adelaide Hammond; 1935: purchased by the MFA from Mrs. Adelaide Hammond.*
(Accession date: October 3, 1935)

*Fourteen amulets, 35.1496-35.1509, were purchased as a group for $50.