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Stele of Senbefitsen

Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty 12 to Dynasty 13
1878–1640 B.C.

Medium/Technique Limestone
Dimensions Length x width: 40.6 x 25.4 cm (16 x 10 in.)
Credit Line Hay Collection—Gift of C. Granville Way
Accession Number72.768
ClassificationsArchitectural elementsStele

Catalogue Raisonné 195
DescriptionStele of fine grained limestone depicting offering scene with male and female figures seated before a table of offerings, the former raising a cup. Two sets of hieroglyphic texts at top in sets of 5 horizontal bands at right, 4 horizontal bands and one brief column at left, each set reading in opposing directions (from center outwards); offering texts for the owners, (at left) "the Lady of the House," Ankhuenes" and (at right) "the controller," Senbefitsen. Reddish-brown and yellowish-brown pigments remains in spots, particularly for the human figures, some of the offerings, and in baselines. Several fragments missing, the largest from the top, partially obscuring original pair of wedjat-eyes; fragment at left edge broken and mended.
ProvenanceBy 1836: Robert Hay Collection, Linplum, Scotland; 1863: to his son, Robert James Alexander Hay; 1868-1872: Way Collection, Boston (purchased by Samuel A. Way through London dealers Rollin and Feuardent, 27 Haymarket); 1872: given to the MFA by Samuel's son, C. Granville Way.
(Accession Date: June 28, 1872)