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Bronze nail

Late Period, Dynasty 30
380–343 B.C.
Findspot: Egypt, San el-Hagar, House 20

Medium/Technique Bronze
Dimensions Overall: 14.4 x 1.8 cm (5 11/16 x 11/16 in.)
Credit Line Egypt Exploration Fund by subscription
Accession Number85.523

DescriptionBronze nail with circular head; lower part bent; much incrusted.
ProvenanceFrom Tanis (San el-Hagar), House 20. 1884: excavated by William Flinders Petrie for the Egypt Exploration Fund; assigned to the Egypt Exploration Fund in the division of finds by the government of Egypt; October 28, 1885: presented to the MFA at EEF general meeting.
(Accession Date: March 1, 1885)