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When the Great General Was on the Way to Kyoto from Kyushu He Encountered a Storm at Manaitagase in Dairi Bay in Buzen Province; the Sailor Yojibei Was Killed and His Body Thrown into the Sea, and Since Then the Place is Called the Yojibei Channel (Meishô Kyûshû yori jôraku no toki Buzen no kuni Dairi no oki Manaitagase ni te nanpû ni deai sendô Yojibei o kiri shigai o umi ni nagekomi shi yori irai Yojibei-nada to iu)
Artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese, 1797–1861),
Publisher Mikawaya Tetsugorō (Japanese)
1849–52 (Kaei 2–5)